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ACCU: Professionalism in Programming

One approach to using hardware registers in C++ (Page), Overload 95, February 2010 (PDF)

Reflection on Code Critique 60 (HTML), CVu 21(6), January 2010

Code Critique Competition 59 (HTML), CVu 21(5), November 2009


ISOCPP: Standard C++

N4536. An algorithm to "clamp" a value between a pair of boundary values (HTML). Martin Moene, Niels Dekker. 17 May 2015.

P0025R0. An algorithm to "clamp" a value between a pair of boundary values (revision 1) (HTML). Martin Moene, Niels Dekker. 18 September 2015.

P0025R1. An algorithm to "clamp" a value between a pair of boundary values (revision 2) (HTML). Martin Moene, Niels Dekker. 29 October 2015.

Defect #2688. clamp misses preconditions and has extraneous condition on result (HTML). Martin Moene. 23 March 2015.

Presentation: Proposing clamp() for C++ standardisation. The Dutch C++ Group. Event on 17 March 2016.