Filter Library Camera Interface Physics

CFilterDlg_LinearRegression Class Reference
[Linear Regression Filter]

#include <FilterDlg_LinearRegression.h>

Inheritance diagram for CFilterDlg_LinearRegression:

CFilterDlg List of all members.

Detailed Description

Linear regression filter dialog.

Linear regression filtering may take a relatively long time. This is especially the case with areas larger than say 7x7 and for images larger than the modest 200x100 pixels2 of Nacra images.

The user interface acknowledges this fact and provides the user with two operation modes:

Furthermore the user interface ensures one-time computation. When the user changes settings on the dialog, and then changes them back to what they where, this is recognized and the dialog shows that the result does not need to be computed again by disabling the Apply button. Of course, if Direct Update is active the result is computed at each change of a setting.

Definition at line 63 of file FilterDlg_LinearRegression.h.

Public Member Functions

BOOL ApplyFilter (bool force=false)
 apply the filter provided certain conditions are met.

Protected Types

typedef CHashBuilder::ValueType HashType
 the hash type.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void DoDataExchange (CDataExchange *pDX)
 Dialog Data Exchange (DDX) / Dialog Data Validation (DDV) support.
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog ()
 initialize the dialog
afx_msg void OnChangeSizeX ()
 update SizeX (ensure its odd)
afx_msg void OnChangeSizeY ()
 update SizeY (ensure its odd)
afx_msg void OnCheckAlgorithm ()
 check the algorithm
afx_msg void OnTimeAlgorithm ()
 time performance
afx_msg void OnChangeTheta ()
 theta for A.cos(t) etc.
afx_msg void OnChangeFactor ()
 scaling factor
afx_msg void OnDeltaposSizeXY (NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
 xy-spinner changed
afx_msg void OnDeltaposSpinfactor (NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
 the factor spinner changed:
afx_msg void OnHScroll (UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar)
 theta scrollbar changed.
afx_msg void OnSelchangeParam ()
 parameter selection changed
afx_msg void OnApplyFilter ()
 apply button pressen
afx_msg void OnFilterDirect ()
 direct update checkbox changed
void UpdateControls (CScanFilterLinearRegressionPtr pFilter)
 handle enabling and disabling of controls.
BOOL DialogChanged ()
 true if the settings on the dialog changed.
HashType ComputeHash ()
 compute the hash of the dialog's settings.

Private Types


Private Attributes

CIntegerEdit c_txtSizeY
 x-size integer edit control
CIntegerEdit c_txtSizeX
 x-size integer edit control
CComboBox c_cbParameter
 the Linear Regression parameter (combination)
CIntegerEdit c_txtTheta
 theta integer edit control
CSliderCtrl c_scTheta
 theta slider control
CRealEdit c_txtFactor
 x-factor real edit control
CNumSpinCtrl c_spnSizeX
 x-size spin control
CNumSpinCtrl c_spnSizeY
 y-size spin control
CSpinButtonCtrl c_spnSizeXY
 x- and y size spin control
CNumSpinCtrl c_spnFactor
 factor spin control
CString m_csAlgorithm
 algorithm related output
CButton c_btnApply
 apply filter
CButton c_chkDirect
 direct update (no apply required)
CButton c_btnOK
 terminate dialog and keep result
HashType m_lastHash
 hash of settings last applied

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Camera Filter Library documentation © 2004-2007 by Leiden Probe Microscopy