Filter Library Camera Interface Physics

CNumSpinCtrl Class Reference
[Numeric Spin Control]

#include <ControlNumSpinCtrl.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

CNumSpinCtrl is a spin control for real numbers that can be combined with a Numeric Edit Control.

Class CNumSpinCtrl enables you to:

Make sure that the control is included in method DoDataExchange() of the dialog classes where you use the spin control.

Class CNumSpinCtrl is a slightly modified version of the class CNumSpinCtrl by Damir Valiulin [NUMSPINCTRL].

Definition at line 177 of file ControlNumSpinCtrl.h.

Public Types

typedef double real_type
 real number type
typedef long integer_type
 integer number type

Public Member Functions

 operator double ()
 convert to double.
 operator int ()
 convert to int.
 operator long ()
 convert to long.
 operator unsigned long ()
 convert to unsigned long.
selfoperator= (double value)
 assign double.
selfoperator= (int value)
 assign int.
selfoperator= (long value)
 assign long.
selfoperator= (unsigned long value)
 assign unsigned long.
selfoperator++ ()
 pre-increment with delta.
void operator++ (int)
 post-increment with delta (returns void).
selfoperator-- ()
 pre-decrement with delta.
void operator-- (int)
 post-decrement with delta (returns void).
void GetRangeAndDelta (real_type &lower, real_type &upper, real_type &delta)
 obtain the lower and higher limits and the delta value.
double GetPos ()
 the current position.
integer_type GetPosInt ()
 the current position as integer.
void SetRangeAndDelta (real_type lower, real_type upper, real_type delta)
 set the lower and higher limits and the delta value.
void SetPos (double value)
 set the new position.
void SetPos (int value)
 set the new positon.
void SetPos (long value)
 set the new positon.
void SetPos (unsigned long value)
 set the new positon.
void SetFormat (LPCTSTR lpszFormatString=NULL)
 set the printf-like format string (NULL yields "%g").
void Select ()
 focus this control and select its contents.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void PreSubclassWindow ()
 allow other necessary subclassing to occur before the window is subclassed.
void InitSpinCtrl ()
 check that Set-Buddy-Integer is unset and set the control's range via SetRangeAndDelta().
void SetIntPos (real_type pos)
 set the underlying SpinButtonCtrl's position.
void SetValueForBuddy (real_type val)
 set the contents of the buddy edit control.
afx_msg BOOL OnDeltapos (NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
 handle position-change message, set buddy contents via SetValueForBuddy().
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
 handle create message, calls InitSpinCtrl().

Protected Attributes

real_type m_MinVal
 minimum value
real_type m_MaxVal
 maximum value
real_type m_Delta
 stepping value
UINT m_IntRange
 minimum value
CString m_csFormat
 printf format string

Private Types

typedef CNumSpinCtrl self
 this type

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Camera Filter Library documentation © 2004-2007 by Leiden Probe Microscopy