Filter Library Camera Interface Physics

CFilterEdit Class Reference
[Numeric Edit Control]

#include <ControlFilterEdit.h>

Inheritance diagram for CFilterEdit:

CIntegerEdit CRealEdit List of all members.

Detailed Description

CFilterEdit is the base class for edit fields that can filter their input. This can be used to limit the input to data that is valid in a certian context, for example only positive integer numbers.

Base class CFilterEdit lets you specify several ascpects of its behaviour:

To implement the checking behaviour, do the following.

Note: CFilterEdit can also be used by itself solely with the purpose to create a colored edit field.

Make sure that the control is included in method DoDataExchange() of the dialog classes where you use the edit control.

Class CFilterEdit is a modification of the class CFilterEdit by Ben Hanson [FILTEREDIT] in that the regular expression pattern matching [REGEXP] is replaced by a simple lexical scanner [Aho et al.].

Another interesting article is: A Validating Edit Control by Joseph M. Newcomer [VALEDTCTL]. This article describes the use of a tooltip to indicate the reason the contents of an edit control is invalid.

The following example shows an edit field that limits its input to signed integer numbers in octal, decimal or hexadecimal notation.

The interface.

 // ControlOctDecHexEdit.h - class declaration.


 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
 #pragma once
 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

 #include <cfl/ControlFilterEdit.h>      // for base class CFilterEdit

 // COctDecHexEdit

 class COctDecHexEdit : public CFilterEdit
    COctDecHexEdit( bool bSigned = true );

    bool Check( const CString &csText );
    bool Match( const CString &csText );

    bool m_bSigned;

 // destructor.

 inline COctDecHexEdit::~COctDecHexEdit()
    ; // do nothing

 // destructor.

 inline COctDecHexEdit::COctDecHexEdit( bool bSigned ) :
    CFilterEdit(), m_bSigned( bSigned )
    ; // do nothing


The implementation.

 // ControlOctDecHexEdit.cpp - class implementation.

 #include "stdafx.h"                     // for common (pre-compiled) headers
 #include <cfl/ControlOctDecHexEdit.h>   // header

 // true if input is complete and valid.

 bool COctDecHexEdit::Check( const CString &csText )
    TCHAR* ePtr;

    // let strtol() determine the base:
    (void) _tcstol( csText, &ePtr, 0 );

    // ok if all characters are used for conversion
    return _TCHAR('\0') == *ePtr;

 // true if (partial) input valid.

 //      number : sign? ( octal | decimal | hexadecimal )
 //        sign : [+-]
 //       octal : "0" [0-7]+
 //     decimal : [1-9][0-9]*
 // hexadecimal : "0" [xX] [0-9a-fA-F]+

 bool COctDecHexEdit::Match( const CString &csText )
    int base = 10;

    const TCHAR* cPtr = csText;

    // optional sign?

    if ( _TCHAR('+') == *cPtr || ( m_bSigned && _TCHAR('-') == *cPtr ) )

    // leading octal/hexadecimal 0?

    if ( _TCHAR('0') == *cPtr )
       base = 8;

    // leading hexadecimal 0x, 0X?

    if ( 8 == base && ( _TCHAR('x') == *cPtr || _TCHAR('X') == *cPtr ) )
       base = 16;

    // scan remaining digits:

    if ( 8 == base )
       while ( *cPtr && _TCHAR('0') <= *cPtr && *cPtr <= _TCHAR('7') )
    else if ( 10 == base )
       while ( *cPtr && _istdigit( *cPtr ) )
    else if ( 16 == base )
       while ( *cPtr && _istxdigit( *cPtr ) )

    // ok if all characters matched:
    return cPtr == (const TCHAR*) csText + csText.GetLength();

Definition at line 335 of file ControlFilterEdit.h.

Public Member Functions

bool IsValidChar ()
 true if last entered character is valid.
bool IsValidInput ()
 true if the entered text is complete and valid.
const CString & GetProposedText () const
 the entered text, so far.
void SetProcessChars (const bool bProcessChars)
 validate as the user types (also settable in the constructor).
void SetAutoValidate (const bool bAutoValidate, const bool bModal)
 check that the entire input is valid when the control loses focus (bAutoValidate), set focus back to the control if the input is invalid when the control loses focus (bModal).
void SetShowInvalid (const bool bShowInvalid, const bool bSetBkOnError, const bool bWavyLineOnError)
 show if the input is invalid (bShowInvalid), via the background color (bSetBkOnError) and with a wavy line under the text (bWavyLineOnError).
void SetBeepOnInvalid (const bool bBeepOnInvalid)
 beep when the final validation fails (bBeepOnInvalid).
void SetBackgroundColourOK (const COLORREF crBkOK)
 set the normal ('OK') background color.
void SetForegroundColourOK (const COLORREF crFgOK)
 set the normal ('OK') foreground color.
void SetBackgroundColourError (const COLORREF crBkError)
 set the error background color.
void SetForegroundColourError (const COLORREF crFgError)
 set the error foreground color.
void Select ()
 focus the control and select it content.

Protected Member Functions

bool ValidateChar (UINT nChar)
 true if this character is acceptable at this point.
void ResetValid ()
 restore valid state.
virtual bool Check (const CString &csText)
 true if input is complete and valid; override in derived classes.
virtual bool Match (const CString &csText)
 true if partial input is acceptable; override in derived classes.
virtual LRESULT WindowProc (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 handle window message, like cut paste etc.
afx_msg void OnChar (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
 validate new character (if SetProcessChars(true)) and let it be further processed, unless its invalid.
afx_msg void OnKeyDown (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
 handle control-key press (Del, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V).
afx_msg void OnKeyUp (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
 handle control-key release (Ctrl).
afx_msg HBRUSH CtlColor (CDC *pDC, UINT)
 handle the ON_WM_CTLCOLOR_REFLECT message.
afx_msg void OnSetFocus (CWnd *pOldWnd)
 handle set focus message.
afx_msg void OnKillFocus (CWnd *pNewWnd)
 validate on kill focus message.
afx_msg void OnPaint ()
 handle paint message.

Private Types

typedef CFilterEdit self
 this type

Private Member Functions

bool CanDelete ()
 handle cut, Ctrl+X
bool CanPaste ()
 handle paste, Ctrl+V
 CFilterEdit (CFilterEdit const &)
 prevent copy-assignment construction
selfoperator= (CFilterEdit const &)
 prevent assignment

Private Attributes

bool m_bProcessChars
 validate characters while typing (flag)
bool m_bAutoValidate
bool m_bModal
bool m_bShowInvalid
 indicate invalid input (flag)
bool m_bSetBkOnError
 change background color for invalid input (flag)
bool m_bWavyLineOnError
 draw wavy line if input is invalid (flag)
bool m_bBeepOnInvalid
 beep if input is invalid (flag)
bool m_bValid
 input is valid (flag)
bool m_bCharValid
 current character is valid (flag)
CString m_strProposedText
 current valid text
bool m_bControlDown
 control key is down (flag)
 ok foreground color
 ok background color
COLORREF m_crFgError
 error foreground color
COLORREF m_crBkError
 error background color
CBrush m_brOK
 ok brush
CBrush m_brError
 error brush

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Camera Filter Library documentation © 2004-2007 by Leiden Probe Microscopy