Filter Library Camera Interface Physics

__SpmStartScan Struct Reference

#include <InterfaceDLL.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Structure: SPMNEWSCANDOC for PROTOCOL [main program - camera dll].

Type to support the exchange of data between the CameraDLL and the main program.

 typedef struct __SpmStartScan
        DWORD dwFlags;                                          ///< Scan mode flags    (SPM_SMF-flags)
        DWORD dwChannelMask;                            ///< Bitmask of active channels
        LPCTSTR lpcsChannelName[8];                     ///< 8 ptr's to strings with channel name
        LPCTSTR lpcsChannelUnit[8];                     ///< 8 ptr's to strings with channel unit

The Dll uses this structure when a new scan is started. It sends the StartScanMeasurement-notification. It sets information about the frames that follow. The dwFlag parameter defines the update mode of this measurement, either Frame-by-Frame of Line-by-Line. Furthermore it defines which channels are active (dwChannelMask) and per channel: a name and a unity string (lpcsChannelName, lpcsChannelUnit). The conversion factor is stored per frame per channel.

The dwFlags uses the SPM_SMF_xxx defines. The dwChannelMask uses the SPM_SDCM_xxx defines.

Definition at line 942 of file InterfaceDLL.h.

Public Attributes

DWORD dwFlags
 Scan mode flags (SPM_SMF-flags).
DWORD dwChannelMask
 Bitmask of active channels.
LPCTSTR lpcsChannelName [8]
 8 ptr's to strings with channel name
LPCTSTR lpcsChannelUnit [8]
 8 ptr's to strings with channel unit

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Camera Filter Library documentation © 2004-2007 by Leiden Probe Microscopy