Filter Library Camera Interface Physics

CScanBaseBuffer Class Reference
[Scan Base Buffer]

#include <ScanBaseBuffer.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 35 of file ScanBaseBuffer.h.


SizeType Columns () const
 X-size in pixels.
SizeType Rows () const
 Y-size in pixels.
Pointer Data ()
 the buffer data (non-const).
ConstPointer Data () const
 the buffer data (const).
FourierElementType ** FourierDataL2R ()
 the fourier left-right data (non-const).
FourierElementType const
*const * 
FourierDataL2R () const
 the fourier left-right data (const).
FourierElementType ** FourierDataR2L ()
 the fourier right-left data (non-const).
FourierElementType const
*const * 
FourierDataR2L () const
 the fourier right-left data (const).
SizeType GetFrameSize () const
 Y-size by X-size number of pixels.
SizeType GetPartialFrameOffset () const
SizeType GetPartialFrameSize () const
 number of pixels of the partial frame.
LengthType GetFrameWidth () const
 the frame width in [m].
LengthType GetFrameHeight () const
 the frame height in [m].
SpacingType GetSpacingX () const
 the pixel spacing in the x-direction in [m].
SpacingType GetSpacingY () const
 the pixel spacing in the y-direction in [m].
SpacingType GetSpacingZ () const
 the bit spacing in the z-direction in [m].
LengthType GetLengthX (SizeType dx) const
 the length for the given number of pixels in the x-direction in [m].
LengthType GetLengthY (SizeType dy) const
 the length for the given number of pixels in the y-direction in [m].
LengthType GetAbsoluteHeight (ValueType adcValue) const
 the absolute height in [m] for given ADC value: scale * (adc + offset).
SizeType GetRowsForFFT () const
 the rows required for FFT.
SizeType GetColumnsForFFT () const
 the columns required for FFT.
static SizeType GetSizeForFFT (SizeType size)
 the size required for FFT.


 CScanBaseBuffer (const Self &rhs)
 shallow copy-assignment constructor; do not copy data and fourier buffers.
Selfoperator= (const Self &rhs)
 shallo copy-assignment; do not copy data and fourier buffers.

Public Types

enum  tStatus {
 the current state of this buffer. More...
typedef CObject Super
 the parent class.
typedef CScanBaseBuffer Self
 this type.
typedef short ValueType
 the buffer's value type.
typedef ValueTypePointer
 the buffer's pointer-to value type.
typedef const ValueTypeConstPointer
 the buffer's const pointer-to value type.
typedef double RealType
 the buffer's real type.
typedef RealType FourierElementType
 the forier buffer's data type.
typedef DWORD SizeType
 the buffer's size type.
typedef DWORD FlagType
 the buffer's flags type.
typedef DWORD MaskType
 the buffer's mask type.
typedef RealType SpacingType
 the x, y and z spacing type.
typedef RealType LengthType
 the x, y and z length type.
typedef tStatus StatusType
 buffer status type.

Public Member Functions

bool HasLeftToRightScan () const
 true if buffer contains a left--right scan.
bool HasRightToLeftScan () const
 true if buffer contains a right--left scan.
bool IsBidirectionalScan () const
 true if buffer contains both a left--right and a right--left scan.
bool IsCompleteFrame () const
 true if all pixels of the frame are present.
bool IsNewBuffer () const
 true if this buffer has not yet been used.
bool IsEmptyBuffer () const
 true if data not yet loaded.
bool IsLoadedBuffer () const
 true if data present in buffer.
bool IsModifiedBuffer () const
 true if data in buffer has been modified.
bool IsInMemoryBuffer () const
 true if buffer is used for in-memory filtering.
BOOL CheckAndSetBufferSize ()
 make sure a buffer of appropriate size is available;
void ClearDataBuffer ()
 clear contents of data buffer.
void ClearFourierBuffer ()
 clear contents of data buffer.
BOOL CreateInputBuffer (const CSize &size)
 create this buffer for input with the given size.
BOOL CreateOutputBufferFor (const Self &input, SizeType extra=0)
 create this buffer for output based on the given input buffer; if specified, allocate extra elements.
BOOL ResizeDataBuffer (const CSize &size, SizeType extra=0)
 resize this data buffer to the given size, on reallocation add extra size.
BOOL CreateFourierBuffer ()
 create the fourier buffer(s) based on the current databuffer size.
BOOL DeleteFourierBuffer ()
 delete the fourier buffer(s).
BOOL CopyFourierBufferFrom (const Self &other)
 allocate fourier buffer(s) based on the current databuffer size and copy contents from other buffer.

Public Attributes

FlagType m_dwFlags
 data L2R/R2L flags; see InterfaceDll.h, "Scandata Buffer Flags:".
SizeType m_dwSizeX
 X size buffer, see Columns().
SizeType m_dwSizeY
 Y size buffer, see Rows().
SizeType m_dwPixels
 number of pixels in buffer, see also IsCompleteFrame().
Pointer m_pwData
 pointer to the data, see Data().
FourierElementType ** m_pdFourierL2R
 FFT data for L2R.
FourierElementType ** m_pdFourierR2L
 FFT data for R2L.
CString m_csBufferName
 name of the buffer.
CString m_csDataName
 name of the data set.
CString m_csDataUnit
 name of the data unit.
RealType m_dDataScaleFactor
 scale factor between 1 unit and 1 LSB; see AbsoluteHeight().
int m_nDataOffset
 offset for ADC=0; see AbsoluteHeight().
MaskType m_dwParameterMask
 mask register for optional parameters; see InterfaceDll.h, "Scandata Buffer Parameter Mask".
RealType m_dSlopeX
 X slope of backgroundplane.
RealType m_dSlopeY
 Y slope of backgroundplane.
RealType m_dAvg
 average (RealType).
int m_nMinZ
 min Z.
int m_nMaxZ
 max Z.
RealType m_dSecMom
 sum of all data squared; extra, not in cyclic/raw.
SizeType m_dwPixelOffset
 partial data in buffer, valid from Offset for Count pixels.
SizeType m_dwPixelCount
 for dual l2r/r2l scans these values are valid for both areas.
RealType m_dXStepSize
 X Step size of area in picometer.
RealType m_dYStepSize
 Y Step size of area in picometer.
SizeType m_dwOrgScanXSize
 original X Size in pixels.
SizeType m_dwOrgScanYSize
 original Y Size in pixels.
RealType m_dScanAngle
 Rotation of scan around center in rad.

Protected Member Functions

Buffer Creation
void Copy (const Self &rhs)
 shallow copy; set data and fourier buffer pointers to 0.
void AllocateDataBuffer (SizeType extra=0)
 allocate data buffer, but not fourier buffers.
void AllocateFourierBuffer ()
 allocate fourier buffer.
void ReleaseAllBuffers ()
 release all buffers.
void ReleaseDataBuffer ()
 release data buffer.
void ReleaseFourierBuffer ()
 release fourier buffer.
BOOL IsUsableOutputBufferFor (const Self &input)
 true if buffer has the right size and settings to use as output buffer for the given input buffer.

Protected Attributes

StatusType m_eStatus
 status of the buffer contents (loaded, modified etc.
SizeType m_dwMemoryAllocated
 number of data points allocated in buffer
 file position in RAW data file
 file position in edited data file

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CScanBaseBuffer::tStatus

The state of the buffer may be obtained via IsNewBuffer(), IsEmptyBuffer(), IsLoadedBuffer(), IsModifiedBuffer() and IsInMemoryBuffer().

See also m_eStatus.

SB_NOTLOADED  data has not yet been loaded into this buffer from disk
SB_LOADED  this is a buffer loaded with data from disk
SB_NEW  this is a fresh buffer, there is no link to disk yet
SB_TEMP  this is a temporary buffer used for in-memory filtering
SB_MODIFIED  buffer with data obtained from disk has been modified and must still be updated on disk

Definition at line 528 of file ScanBaseBuffer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CScanBaseBuffer::CScanBaseBuffer (  ) 

m_eStatus set to SB_NOTLOADED, so, when will it be SB_NEW ??

Definition at line 155 of file ScanBaseBuffer.cpp.

References m_csBufferName, m_csDataName, m_csDataUnit, m_dAvg, m_dDataScaleFactor, m_dScanAngle, m_dSecMom, m_dSlopeX, m_dSlopeY, m_dwFlags, m_dwMemoryAllocated, m_dwOrgScanXSize, m_dwOrgScanYSize, m_dwParameterMask, m_dwPixelCount, m_dwPixelOffset, m_dwPixels, m_dwSizeX, m_dwSizeY, m_dXStepSize, m_dYStepSize, m_eStatus, m_liEditIndex, m_liRAWIndex, m_nDataOffset, m_nMaxZ, m_nMinZ, m_pdFourierL2R, m_pdFourierR2L, m_pwData, and SB_NOTLOADED.

CScanBaseBuffer::CScanBaseBuffer (  ) 

m_eStatus set to SB_NOTLOADED, so, when will it be SB_NEW ??

Definition at line 155 of file ScanBaseBuffer.cpp.

References m_csBufferName, m_csDataName, m_csDataUnit, m_dAvg, m_dDataScaleFactor, m_dScanAngle, m_dSecMom, m_dSlopeX, m_dSlopeY, m_dwFlags, m_dwMemoryAllocated, m_dwOrgScanXSize, m_dwOrgScanYSize, m_dwParameterMask, m_dwPixelCount, m_dwPixelOffset, m_dwPixels, m_dwSizeX, m_dwSizeY, m_dXStepSize, m_dYStepSize, m_eStatus, m_liEditIndex, m_liRAWIndex, m_nDataOffset, m_nMaxZ, m_nMinZ, m_pdFourierL2R, m_pdFourierR2L, m_pwData, and SB_NOTLOADED.

Member Function Documentation

BOOL CScanBaseBuffer::CheckAndSetBufferSize (  ) 

Replace with CreateOutputBuffer( const Self * ).

Definition at line 613 of file ScanBaseBuffer.cpp.

References m_dwMemoryAllocated, m_dwPixels, and m_pwData.

BOOL CScanBaseBuffer::CreateOutputBufferFor ( const Self input,
SizeType  extra = 0 

remember to add new member variables.

Definition at line 455 of file ScanBaseBuffer.cpp.

References AllocateDataBuffer(), Copy(), IsUsableOutputBufferFor(), m_pwData, and ReleaseAllBuffers().

Referenced by CScanFilterThreshold::Apply(), CScanFilterTest::Apply(), CScanFilterSwapQuadrants::Apply(), CScanFilterShift::Apply(), CScanFilterNCCFFTOld::Apply(), CScanFilterNCCFFT::Apply(), CScanFilterMinimum::Apply(), CScanFilterMedian::Apply(), CScanFilterMean::Apply(), CScanFilterMaximum::Apply(), CScanFilterMath::Apply(), CScanFilterLowPass::Apply(), CScanFilterKuwahara::Apply(), CScanFilterHighPass::Apply(), CScanFilterFFTInverse::Apply(), CScanFilterFFT::Apply(), CScanFilterErosion::Apply(), CScanFilterDZ::Apply(), CScanFilterDilation::Apply(), CScanFilterDifferential_LbL::Apply(), CScanFilterDifferential::Apply(), CScanFilterCustom::Apply(), CScanFilterClip::Apply(), CScanFilterClad::Apply(), CScanFilterBinaryThreshold::Apply(), CScanFilterBgsDiff_LbL::Apply(), CScanFilterBgsDiff::Apply(), CScanFilterBGS_MCN::Apply(), CScanFilterBGS_LbL::Apply(), CScanFilterAutoCorrelate::Apply(), CScanFilterNull::ApplyCore(), CScanFilterBGS_Planar::ApplyCore(), CScanFilterCrossCorrelateF::PreApply(), CScanFilterCrossCorrelate2::PreApply(), CScanFilterCrossCorrelate::PreApply(), and CScanFilterLinearRegression::PreApplyCore().

void CScanBaseBuffer::Copy ( const Self rhs  )  [protected]

set mdwFlags to 0?.

Definition at line 229 of file ScanBaseBuffer.cpp.

References m_csBufferName, m_csDataName, m_csDataUnit, m_dAvg, m_dDataScaleFactor, m_dScanAngle, m_dSecMom, m_dSlopeX, m_dSlopeY, m_dwFlags, m_dwMemoryAllocated, m_dwOrgScanXSize, m_dwOrgScanYSize, m_dwParameterMask, m_dwPixelCount, m_dwPixelOffset, m_dwPixels, m_dwSizeX, m_dwSizeY, m_dXStepSize, m_dYStepSize, m_liEditIndex, m_liRAWIndex, m_nDataOffset, m_nMaxZ, m_nMinZ, m_pdFourierL2R, m_pdFourierR2L, and m_pwData.

Referenced by CreateOutputBufferFor(), CScanBaseBuffer(), and operator=().

Member Data Documentation

StatusType CScanBaseBuffer::m_eStatus [protected]


This status is used by the application to handle the data buffers. There are two types of buffer usages

For in-memory filters, the application sets the status for the output buffer to SB_TEMP. The application deletes this temporary buffer when it moves to another frame.

For normal (interactive) filters, the application sets the status for the output buffer to SB_NEW. After closing the filter's dialog with OK, the application writes the buffer's contents to disk.

See also tStatus.

Definition at line 567 of file ScanBaseBuffer.h.

Referenced by CScanBaseBuffer(), IsEmptyBuffer(), IsInMemoryBuffer(), IsLoadedBuffer(), IsModifiedBuffer(), and IsNewBuffer().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Camera Filter Library documentation © 2004-2007 by Leiden Probe Microscopy