Filter Library Camera Interface Physics

Todo List

Class CFilterDlg_Null
change "stdafx.h" in .cpp to <cfl/stdafx.h> when all filters have been adapted. "stdafx.h" is used to determine the contents of the precompiled headers; see prj settings C/C++, precompiled headers, through header "stdafx.h")

Member CScanBaseBuffer::CScanBaseBuffer ()
m_eStatus set to SB_NOTLOADED, so, when will it be SB_NEW ??

Member CScanBaseBuffer::Copy (const Self &rhs)
set mdwFlags to 0?.

Member CScanFilter::CFilterDlg
remove friend class CFilterDlg requirement.

Member CScanFilterLinearRegression::ApplyCore ()
setNorm(): verify its correct working

Class CScanFilterNull
change "stdafx.h" in .cpp to <cfl/stdafx.h> when all filters have been adapted. "stdafx.h" is used to determine the contents of the precompiled headers; see prj settings C/C++, precompiled headers, through header "stdafx.h")

Group cfl_overview
What should we tell in the User Manual?

Group cfl_filterinversefft
can get at original image size and restore image size?.

Group cfl_develop_filter_class
describe procedure #2 to create a new filter from the template.

Group cfl_interfacedll
InterfaceDll.h must be documented; for now just include it.

Camera Filter Library documentation © 2004-2007 by Leiden Probe Microscopy