Filter Library Camera Interface Physics

CScanFilterNull Class Reference
[Null Filter]

#include <ScanFilterNull.h>

Inheritance diagram for CScanFilterNull:

CScanFilter List of all members.

Detailed Description

This is the class for the Null Filter. Its purpose is twofold:
  1. document the features common to all filters
  2. be a template to create new filters from (see Developing a New Filter)

As a filter, class CScanFilterNull simply copies its input buffer to its ouput buffer using STL std::transform(), while applying the formula: $y_{ij} = factor \times x_{ij} + offset$.

change "stdafx.h" in .cpp to <cfl/stdafx.h> when all filters have been adapted. "stdafx.h" is used to determine the contents of the precompiled headers; see prj settings C/C++, precompiled headers, through header "stdafx.h")
Martin J. Moene

Definition at line 91 of file ScanFilterNull.h.

Public Types

typedef CScanBaseBuffer::ValueType ValueType
 specify the scan base buffer datatype; having ValueType we omit the type specification from the variablename: pStart in stead of pwStart; see for example Process().
typedef ValueTypePointer
 the pointer type.
typedef const ValueTypeConstPointer
 the const pointer type.

Public Member Functions

Camera--Filter Interface
virtual void ReadFilterSettings ()
 configure filter with settings as provided by the application on the filterlist window (e.g.
virtual void WriteFilterSettings () const
 save filter settings e.g.
virtual LPCTSTR GetParameters () const
 provide current filter parameter(s) for filter-scripting capture in the main application; see also CScanFilterNull::GetParameters().
virtual BOOL SetParameters (LPCTSTR lpParameters)
 set parameters for filter-script execution of filter; see also CScanFilterNull::SetParameters().
virtual BOOL RunModeless (CWnd *pParentWnd, CDocument *pDoc)
 create filter dialog and pre Apply() filter to view result; see also CScanFilterNull::RunModeless().
virtual BOOL Apply ()
 let ApplyCore() perform the filter processing; catch MFC and std exceptions; see also CScanFilterNull::Apply().
virtual BOOL ApplyCore ()
 check parameters, take care of a properly sized output buffer, set its name and copy filter parameters and Process(); see also CScanFilterNull::ApplyCore().
virtual void Process (ConstPointer pStartIn, Pointer pStartOut, DWORD dwSize)
 filter specified data range to output.
virtual SPerformanceTestResult GetPerformanceTestResult ()
 measure algorithm performance.
double GetFactor ()
 the factor.
double GetOffset ()
 the offset.
void SetFactor (double aFactor)
 set the factor.
void SetOffset (double aOffset)
 set the offset.

Static Public Attributes

static LPCTSTR m_lpcsFilterName
 filter name
static LPCTSTR m_lpcsShortFilterName
 the class short filtername.
static const double def_dFactor
 default factor
static const double def_dOffset
 default offset

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Serialize (CArchive &ar)
 store or retrieve the object's settings; currently filter serialization is not used; see also CScanFilterNull::Serialize().

Private Attributes

double m_dFactor
 current factor value
double m_dOffset
 current offset value

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CScanFilterNull::CScanFilterNull (  ) 

The constructor initializes the class' datamembers and prepares the filter to run without dialog by calling ReadFilterSettings().

For example:

 CScanFilterNull::CScanFilterNull() : CScanFilter( ),
    m_dFactor( def_dFactor ), m_dOffset( def_dOffset )
    m_csFilterName = m_lpcsFilterName;

    ReadFilterSettings();      // get filter settings to run without dialog

Definition at line 93 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

CScanFilterNull::~CScanFilterNull (  )  [virtual]

The destructor may have to release resources (e.g. memory) that the constructor has allocated. In this specific case, the destructor does nothing; however note that the base-class destructor (CScanFilter::~CScanFilter()) does some more work: it destroys the dialog if present.

For example:

    ; // do nothing

Definition at line 118 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

CScanFilterNull::CScanFilterNull (  ) 

The constructor initializes the class' datamembers and prepares the filter to run without dialog by calling ReadFilterSettings().

For example:

 CScanFilterNull::CScanFilterNull() : CScanFilter( ),
    m_dFactor( def_dFactor ), m_dOffset( def_dOffset )
    m_csFilterName = m_lpcsFilterName;

    ReadFilterSettings();      // get filter settings to run without dialog

Definition at line 93 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

CScanFilterNull::~CScanFilterNull (  )  [virtual]

The destructor may have to release resources (e.g. memory) that the constructor has allocated. In this specific case, the destructor does nothing; however note that the base-class destructor (CScanFilter::~CScanFilter()) does some more work: it destroys the dialog if present.

For example:

    ; // do nothing

Definition at line 118 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void CScanFilterNull::ReadFilterSettings (  )  [virtual]

via registry); see also CScanFilterNull::ReadFilterSettings().

This method obtains the filter setting as supplied by the application on the filterlist window, for example via the registry, and initializes the filter with these settings.

ReadFilterSettings() is called from the constructor of the filter.

A no-op example:

 void CScanFilterNull::ReadFilterSettings( )
    // Only few filters provide this method.

An if-used example:

 void CScanFilterNull::ReadFilterSettings( )
    CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();

    if ( Q_INVALID( NULL == pApp ) )
       return ;

    // parameter string: x-size,y-size,parameter,factor
    SetParameters( pApp->GetProfileString( gCflRegistrySubkey, m_lpcsFilterName, _T( "1,0" ) ) );

Reimplemented from CScanFilter.

Definition at line 229 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References gCflRegistrySubkey, m_lpcsFilterName, Q_INVALID, and SetParameters().

void CScanFilterNull::WriteFilterSettings (  )  const [virtual]

for use with the filterlist window (e.g. via registry); see also ReadFilterSettings().

A no-op example:

 void CScanFilterNull::WriteFilterSettings( ) const
    // Only few filters provide this method.

An if-used example:

 void CScanFilterNull::WriteFilterSettings( ) const
    CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();

    if ( Q_INVALID( NULL == pApp ) )
       return ;

    // parameter string: x-size,y-size,parameter,factor
    LPCTSTR pStr = GetParameters();

    if ( pStr )
       pApp->WriteProfileString( gCflRegistrySubkey, m_lpcsFilterName, pStr );
       delete const_cast<LPTSTR>( pStr );

Reimplemented from CScanFilter.

Definition at line 285 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References gCflRegistrySubkey, GetParameters(), m_lpcsFilterName, and Q_INVALID.

LPCTSTR CScanFilterNull::GetParameters (  )  const [virtual]

Analogous to GetInitParameters(), this method returns filter parameters, in this case for the filter-scripting capture operation in the main application.

C-string with parameter values, e.g. "1.23,4.56"
See also:
caller is responsible for delete-ing returned string storage.
A no-op example:
 LPCTSTR CScanFilterNull::GetParameters( ) const
    // returns "no parameter values":

    return NULL;

An if-used example:

 LPCTSTR CScanFilterNull::GetParameters( ) const
    // format parameters and return a c-string on the heap:

    CString csParameters;

    csParameters.Format( _T( "%g,%g" ), m_dFactor, m_dOffset );

    return strcpy( new TCHAR[ csParameters.GetLength() + 1 ], csParameters );

Reimplemented from CScanFilter.

Definition at line 347 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References m_dFactor, and m_dOffset.

Referenced by WriteFilterSettings().

BOOL CScanFilterNull::SetParameters ( LPCTSTR  lpParameters  )  [virtual]

This method initializes the filter parameters for filter-script execution of the filter toe the parameters specified.

lpParameters a C-string specifying the filter parameter values, e.g. "1.23,4.56".
TRUE (Success), FALSE (Failure)
A not-supported example:
 BOOL CScanFilterNull::SetParameters( LPCTSTR lpParameters )
    // we do not expect any parameters, so say so:

    if ( Q_INVALID ( NULL != lpParameters && 0 < ::strlen( lpParameters ) &&
       "CScanFilterNull (SetParameters): no parameters expected." ) )
       return FALSE;

    return FALSE;

An if-used example:

 BOOL CScanFilterNull::SetParameters( LPCTSTR lpParameters )
    if ( Q_INVALID( NULL == lpParameters && 
           "CScanFilterNull (SetParameters): parameters expected, none provided (NULL).") )
       return FALSE;

    // set defaults, read parameter string with factor and optional offset:

    m_dFactor = def_dFactor;
    m_dOffset = def_dOffset;

    int nfields = _stscanf( lpParameters, _T( "%lg,%lg" ), &m_dFactor, &m_dOffset );

    if ( Q_LOG( 1 > nfields && 
         "CScanFilterNull (SetParameters): factor and optional offset expected, got none." ) )
       return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

Reimplemented from CScanFilter.

Definition at line 422 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References def_dFactor, def_dOffset, m_dFactor, m_dOffset, Q_INVALID, and Q_LOG.

Referenced by ReadFilterSettings().

BOOL CScanFilterNull::RunModeless ( CWnd *  pParentWnd,
CDocument *  pDoc 
) [virtual]

This method creates the filter dialog and pre-applies the filter using Apply() to show its result.

pDoc the document to update on a filter action (parameter change, Ok, Cancel)
pParentWnd the parent window for the creation of the filter dialog box
TRUE (Success), FALSE (Failure)
Here's an example of how you may implement RunModeless().
 BOOL CScanFilter::RunModeless( CWnd* pParentWnd, CDocument* pDoc )
    CFilterDlg_NullPtr pDlg = new CFilterDlg_Null();

    if ( Q_INVALID( NULL == pDlg ) )
       return FALSE;

    pDlg->SetParameters( this, pDoc );   // (void) method

 //   Q_RETURN( pDlg->Create( IDD_FILTERDLG_NULL, pParentWnd ) );   // FIXME-ADAPT: IDD_
    pDlg->Create( IDD_FILTERDLG_NULL, pParentWnd );   // FIXME-ADAPT: IDD_

    m_pDlg = pDlg;

    // pre-Apply the filter and show initial results;
    // on error, simulate failure to create dialog:

    BOOL bRet = Apply();

    if ( bRet )

    return bRet;

Reimplemented from CScanFilter.

Definition at line 500 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References Apply(), CScanFilter::m_pDlg, Q_INVALID, CFilterDlg::SetParameters(), and CFilterDlg::UpdateView().

BOOL CScanFilterNull::Apply (  )  [virtual]

Method Apply is an MFC and std exception handling wrapper around method ApplyCore.

TRUE (Success), FALSE (Failure)
Here is an example of how you may implement Apply().
 BOOL CScanFilterNull::Apply()
    BOOL bRet = FALSE;        // preset to Failure

       bRet = ApplyCore();    // sets status, unless exception occurs
    catch ( CException* e )
       Q_MFC_EXCEPTION( e );  // macro uses pointer-to (without surrounding () )
       e->Delete();           // see MSDN: Exceptions: Catching and Deleting Exceptions
    catch ( const std::exception& e )
       Q_STD_EXCEPTION( e );

    return bRet;              // return status

Reimplemented from CScanFilter.

Definition at line 570 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References ApplyCore(), CScanFilter::IsInteractive(), Q_MFC_EXCEPTION, and Q_STD_EXCEPTION.

Referenced by RunModeless().

BOOL CScanFilterNull::ApplyCore (  )  [virtual]

This method checks the presence of the filter's buffer(s), takes care of a properly sized output buffer, set its name and copies the filter parameters from the input buffer to the ouput buffer and calls Process() to do the filter processing.

Currently this filter does not support partial (line-by-line) filtering.

For an example of a filter that uses two input buffers, see filter ScanFilterDZ.h and ScanFilterDZ.cpp (class CScanFilterDZ).

Here is an example of how ApplyCore() may be implemented. Note that method ApplyCore() is highly filter-specific.
 BOOL CScanFilterNull::ApplyCore()
    if ( Q_INVALID( NULL == m_lpsbIn ) )
       return FALSE;

    if ( Q_INVALID( NULL == m_lpsbOut ) )
       return FALSE;

    // for first Apply, setup filter settings, filter name, dialog if present
    // and output buffer:

    // copy the filter settings (not the data):
    Q_RETURN( m_lpsbOut->CreateOutputBufferFor( *m_lpsbIn ) );

    // FIXME-ADAPT: filtername
    m_lpsbOut->m_csBufferName.Format( _T("%s - %s"), m_lpsbIn->m_csBufferName, m_lpcsShortFilterName );

    // if the dialog is present:
    if ( IsInteractive() )
       m_pDlg->SetDlgItemText( IDC_BUFFEROUTNAME, m_lpsbOut->m_csBufferName );

    // process the L2R part and the R2L part (if present).
    DWORD dwSize =  m_lpsbIn->FrameSize();

    if (  m_lpsbIn->IsBidirectionalScan() && m_lpsbOut->IsBidirectionalScan() )
       dwSize *= 2;

    Process( m_lpsbIn->Data(), m_lpsbOut->Data(), dwSize );

    // recalculate all temporary variables:
    m_lpsbOut->m_dwParameterMask  = 0;

    return TRUE;                         // return Ok

Definition at line 669 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References CScanBaseBuffer::CreateOutputBufferFor(), CScanBaseBuffer::Data(), CScanBaseBuffer::GetFrameSize(), CScanBaseBuffer::IsBidirectionalScan(), CScanFilter::IsInteractive(), CScanBaseBuffer::m_csBufferName, CScanBaseBuffer::m_dwParameterMask, m_lpcsShortFilterName, CScanFilter::m_lpsbIn, CScanFilter::m_lpsbOut, CScanFilter::m_pDlg, Process(), Q_INVALID, and Q_RETURN.

Referenced by Apply().

void CScanFilterNull::Process ( ConstPointer  pStartIn,
Pointer  pStartOut,
DWORD  dwSize 
) [virtual]

This filter simply copies its input buffer to its ouput buffer using STL std:: transform(), while applying the formula: $y_{ij} = factor \times x_{ij} + offset$.

 void CScanFilterNull::Process( ConstPointer pStartIn, Pointer pStartOut, DWORD dwSize )
    // FIXME-ADAPT: required operation is highly filter-specific.

       pStartIn,                         // in.begin()
       pStartIn + dwSize,                // in.end()
       pStartOut,                        // out.begin()
       NullOp<ValueType>( GetFactor(), GetOffset() )    // UnaryOp

Definition at line 781 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References GetFactor(), and GetOffset().

Referenced by ApplyCore(), and GetPerformanceTestResult().

SPerformanceTestResult CScanFilterNull::GetPerformanceTestResult (  )  [virtual]

We measure two aspects of the algorithm:

  1. the time to prepare for the operation on the buffers
  2. the time to process the data from the input buffer to the output buffer

In the following example, there is no preparation phase, so all time is attributed to the operation on the buffers.

    SPerformanceTestResult result;

    typedef long Count;

    CPerfTimer Timer;

    // time Preparation:

    ; // nothing here

    // time Process:
    Time  timeToProcess  = 0.4;          // time to measure in [s]
    Count countProcessed = 0;            // iteration count

    Timer.Start( true );                 // restart start the timing
    while ( Timer.Elapsed() < timeToProcess )
       Process( m_lpsbIn->Data(), m_lpsbOut->Data(), m_lpsbIn->FrameSize() );

       ++countProcessed;                // update iteration count

    Timer.Stop();                        // stop the timing
    result.timeBuffer = Timer.Elapsed() / countProcessed;

    if ( m_lpsbIn->IsBidirectionalScan() && m_lpsbOut->IsBidirectionalScan() )
       result.timeBuffer *= 2;

    result.totalTime = result.timePrepare + result.timeBuffer;

    return result;

Definition at line 844 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References CScanBaseBuffer::Data(), CPerfTimer::Elapsed(), CScanBaseBuffer::GetFrameSize(), CScanBaseBuffer::IsBidirectionalScan(), CScanFilter::m_lpsbIn, CScanFilter::m_lpsbOut, Process(), CPerfTimer::Start(), CPerfTimer::Stop(), SPerformanceTestResult::timeBuffer, SPerformanceTestResult::timePrepare, and SPerformanceTestResult::totalTime.

void CScanFilterNull::Serialize ( CArchive &  ar  )  [protected, virtual]

This method lets you store the filter's settings to and retrieve them from an archive. This process is called serialization.

Currently filter serialization is not used.
ar the archiver
This is an example of how you may implement Serialize().
 // store or retrieve the object's settings.

 void CScanFilterNull::Serialize( CArchive& ar )
    CScanFilter::Serialize( ar );

    if ( ar.IsStoring() )
       ar << m_dFactor << m_dOffset;
       ar >> m_dFactor >> m_dOffset;

Reimplemented from CScanFilter.

Definition at line 156 of file ScanFilterNull.cpp.

References m_dFactor, m_dOffset, and CScanFilter::Serialize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Camera Filter Library documentation © 2004-2007 by Leiden Probe Microscopy